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SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/


 SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

また、同時期に日本国内でのツアー公演も行われており、現在は福岡・博多座にて上演中。5月27日(月)~6月6日(木)には、大阪・梅田芸術劇場メインホール、6月15日(土)~6月20日(木) には、北海道・札幌文化芸術劇場 hitaruにて上演される。

 SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

 SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/


SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

橋本環奈(千尋役):プレビューの段階でも日本人のお客様と全然違って、いろんなところで笑いが起こったり、ロンドンの方たちのジブリ好(ず)きな気持ちであったり、お酒を飲みながら観ていたり、ポップコーン食べたり、鑑賞スタイルがすごく気楽な部分が、本当に素敵だなと思っています」「カーテンコールのあの熱狂を感じた時、本当にすごいなと思いました。 もちろん日本人の方々の、声には出さないけど、すごく楽しんでくれてる気持ちって、 舞台に立っていてすごく伝わるんですね。 (ロンドンでも)あれだけあたたかい歓声で迎えられて 本当に嬉しいなと思いました。

 SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

上白石萌音(千尋役):浴びたことのない熱気を浴びて、 しばらくボーっとしてしまうくらいびっくりしました。 お客様達がとても喜んでくださったのが伝わって来て嬉しかったです。 カーテンコールの最後に千尋がオンマイクで『ありがとうございました』と言うのですが、 その瞬間に、私は日本人で、私たちは日本から来て日本語で作品を届けたんだなという実感がせりあがって来てグッときました。


 SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/


 SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

上白石萌音:アプリでパッとチケットを取って、演劇を観に行けるのが最高に幸せです。 稽古が早く終わった日は当日券を押さえて一人で劇場に行って楽しみました。演劇でアウトプットをして演劇でインプットするという純度の高い生活を送っています。 夢のようです。

SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

SPIRITED AWAY, , In association with Studio Ghibli, Adapted by John Caird Co-adapted by Maoko Imai, Directed by John Caird, Original score by Joe Hisaishi, Music supervision, Orchestrations and Arrangements by Brad Haak , Associate Music Supervision Orchestrations and Ableton Programming by Conor Keelan Set Designer - Jon Bausor, Puppetry Design and Direction by Tobv Olie, Choreographer/Staging Shigehiro Ide , Lighting Designer Jiro Katsushiba, sound Designer - Koichi Yamamoto, Costume designer - Sachiko Nakahara , Hair and Make Up Designer - Hiroaki Miyauchi Projection Designer Satoshi Kuriyama , Takashi Hoio, In Association with Studio Ghibli, London Coloseum, London, 2024, Credit: Johan Persson/

5月7日(火)初日~8 月24日(土)千穐楽
【ロンドン】 ロンドン・コロシアム
■千尋 橋本環奈 上白石萌音 川栄李奈 福地桃子
■ハク 醍醐虎汰朗 三浦宏規 増子敦貴(GENIC)
■カオナシ 山野 光
■リン/千尋の母 妃海 風 華 優希 実咲凜音
■釜爺 田口トモロヲ 橋本さとし 宮崎吐夢
■湯婆婆/銭婆 夏木マリ 朴 璐美 春風ひとみ
■兄役/千尋の父 大澄賢也
■父役 吉村 直 伊藤俊彦
■青蛙 おばたのお兄さん 元木聖也
■頭(かしら) 五十嵐ゆうや
■坊 武者真由
彩橋みゆ 新井海人 桜雪陽子 大重わたる 折井理子 今野晶乃 澤村 亮 末冨真由
髙橋莉瑚 竹廣隼人 知念紗耶 手代木花野 中上綾女 西宮ゆうき 花島 令 藤岡義樹 萬谷法英
水野栄治 Miffy 森田茉希 保野優奈 YAMATO
木村和磨 広瀬斗史輝 毛利アンナ可奈子 森 莉那
千尋 森 莉那 ハク 新井海人 カオナシ 澤村 亮 リン/千尋の母 髙橋莉瑚
釜爺 萬谷法英 湯婆婆/銭婆婆 桜雪陽子
兄役/千尋の父 水野栄治 青蛙 藤岡義樹/広瀬斗史輝